• Q:
    Does pillow ball top mount come with all applications ?

    Pillow ball top mount only come with when the original shock absorbers is McPherson Type.

  • Q:
    How much we can lower the car ?

    The most of the ride height can be dropped 120mm from OE ride height;some can be dropped 90-100mm from OE ride height due to the chassis limitation.

  • Q:
    Does this product have warranty ?

    Yes, all D2 struts will come with one year warranty.

  • Q:
    What size of the D2 packing box ? and the weight ?

    D2 packing box is 23cm x 50cm x 71cm , the weights are around 18kg~29kg which depends on the applications.

  • Q:
    How can I fix the brake line ?

    There is a brake line bracket supplied in the tool bag of McPherson type shock absorbers, and please check the instruction to fix the brake line.

  • Q:
    How to inspect the unusual noise?

    Our shock absorbers are designed specifically in accordance with the concepts of high quality and excellent service; hence we provide fine service by offering replacement parts for defective ones during manufacturing process. The shock noise might result from three possibilities as below:

    1) Improper installation of shock absorbers 
    2) Vehicle itself 
    3) Defective shock

    Above three possibilities are the causes of shock noise as long as noise comes from shock itself, and we will take responsibility for replacing the defective parts; however, the vehicle’s owner or installer must understand exactly what part to cause shock noise; otherwise replacing any part that is not dead on the target just wastes cost and time. Checking what part to create the noise is essential to the problem before you ask for the parts to be replaced. Otherwise, all efforts to try to make things right are in vain. Please carry out the following instructions step by step to make sure where the shock noise comes out.


    If the delivered replacement parts are sent wrong and can not fix the problem due to your failure in examination of what part to be exactly fixed, the cost of all parts being sent to you will be born by you.


    1) Once shock leaking is found, it can be replaced for warranty from the place where you purchase the kit once the warranty is proved. (Slight amount of oil may be present on top cap of the shock, this is not shock leaking.)

    2) When the vehicle is in standstill, if there is type of sound like ‘DONG ~ DONG ~ DONG’ while you are turning the steering wheel, please check if plastic bearing or metal rings are defective. Greasing these parts can fix the problem.

    3) Sequent noise sound like ‘KO ~ KO ~ KO’ happens during going over the bumpiness on roads/ streets, check the followings:

        a. if pillow ball is defective (check if the pillowball has clearance all around, the pillow is not defective if the pillowball can be rotated horizontally.If the pillowball moves up and down, then pillowball is defective.)
         b. if the lock ring for lower mount is tightened (please refer to the manual instruction supplied with the kit which says that use a hammer or a screwdriver to tighten the lock bracket) Note: the supplied adjustment wrenches for ride height adjustment can not be used to tighten the lock bracket.

    4) When car is at high speed going though the bumps, a huge hitting sound creates, please check the followings:

        a. if the spring seat snug the spring when the car is jacked up, if not, this will cause the shock to bottom out.

        b. if the spring is compressed by the spring seat, if so, this will cause the shock the way too be stiff.

        c. if fitting of spring is proper ,and shock noise results from the bottom-out of the shock or pillow ball. (Remove the dust boots from the insert, and tie a strip around the piston rod then get the vehicle driven for a while. Afterwards, jack up the vehicle, you can see if the shock bottoms out or not from the position where the strip is located, if so, put the dust booths back on (dust boots are able to protect the strut from bottoming out; however, if this happens frequently, than changing to stiffer spring rate is recommended.)

    How to distinguish what part of shock absorbers to create noise:

    Vehicle at low speed and has sequent ‘KO~KO~KO noise sound: 

    1) When noise comes out from left-hand shock, please exchange the right-hand shock for left-hand one; afterwards, if the sound keeps coming out from the left side, it means the shock do not have any problem with itself or create any shock noise. In this case, examine all components/ parts of the vehicle completely;the sound may come out from the worn parts of the car.

    2) After exchanging the right-hand and left-hand shocks, if noise sound comes from right-hand, it means that the shock is defective. Please check the followings:

        a. Exchanging the right-hand of pillow ball for the left side, if the place where the noise sound comes out originally has changed to the opposite, then it means the pillow ball is defective. (The pillowball does not cover any warranty; however, if you have just fitted our products to your vehicle for 1 or 2 months, our dealer will still replace the defective pillow ball for you).

        b. Exchanging the right-hand of strut for the left one, if the place where the sound comes out originally has changed to the opposite, then this means the strut is defective, please replace it immediately. (Make sure the lower lock bracket for lower mount needs to be tightened to prevent any erroneous examination of what the real problem is.)

    Examination of insert:

    Take out the strut, push the strut down the ground, if the stroke of the strut can not be compressed all the way (usually 10-15mm left the shock is Ok.) or is not able to rebound automatically itself, it means the strut is broken.  

    Our products are designed based on the features of high performance and multiple functions; therefore, linkage of different types of metals is required. The return of the products is not allowed once the products are fitted to the vehicle. For your personal right, please figure out completely where the problem exactly is and find the best satisfactory solution to the problem. The return of the products is not allowed if you can not figure what the problem exactly is and what part to create the noise sound, then you should take a whole responsibility.                                    

  • Q:
    Can I change my spring rate ?

    Please do not change the spring rate less than 1kg/mm;otherwise it will cause the coilovers to be damaged.

  • Q:
    Can I use the same spring rate as other Brand ?

    No, because each brand of coilovers has different setting , material or travel.

  • Q:
    Do you accept special order ?

    Yes, we accept special order for different purpose, as for Rally, Track Racing, D1. Please contact the local distributor for more information.

  • Q:
    Do you have any certificate ?

    We are the qualified manufacturer that is approved by TUV/ ISO 9001:2015. Some components that we are making are TüV approval. Additionally, we gained VIA and JWL certificate of wheel test equipment.

  • Q:
    How to choose correct rotor size for your car ?

    In case your rim is for 18 inch, it’s a wrong decision if the rotor size you choose for front brake kit is 356mm, and rear brake kit for 330mm. In our brake design, you are supposed to choose the same rotor size for front and rear brake kit, it’s because we have settle on the ratio for front and rear brake pads.

    If you choose bigger rotor size in front brake kit but with smaller rotor size for rear, such as Front: 356mm/Rear: 330mm, consequently, the brake will be out of balance easily, and it will be dangerous if you brake suddenly.

    In short, if the rim you have is 18 inch, then you must choose Front and Rear 356mm brake kit, and please don’t really think that smaller rotor size isn’t likely to touch the rim. It’s certainly a wrong decision as it’s easier to interfere with the wheel and more dangerous. Please see drawing 1 and 2.

                  Drawing 1                            Drawing 2

  • Q:
    How to release the redundant brake oil from the caliper bleed nipples?

    Note: Please be sure the air in the brake fluid of caliper has been absolutely
    exhaused. Then, fix the bleed nipples FIRST before doing the step as below

    Please follow the instruction back and forth at least three times to make sure there is no more brake oils coming out.